Béchard, Henri

1869-late 1880s (active)
Nationality: French
Place of Activity: Egypt/France

Henri Béchard opened his studio in the garden of Ezbekia in Cairo. His work is widely known through the large number of prints in existence. These images are mostly of sites and landscapes another important aspect of his work, his studies of people, has escaped general attention. His work is distinguished by the superb quality of his prints and the generally spectacular presentation of even the most common sites, such as the pyramids. His studies of people and costumes are even more interesting and point to a very personal involvement of the photographer in the life and customs of the country. His cityscapes and urban scenes were mostly taken from unusual angles in an attempt to cope with the narrow and confined spaces.

Nissan Perez. Focus East, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1988, p132